Know Millets Webinars 2023

Millets are slowly coming back to people’s kitchen and dining tables. Millet cultivation in terms of the area under cultivation continues to drop, increasing the worries of those looking to promote millets. Though, at the same time, cultivation for the market is beginning to see an uptick in recent times.

The Working Group on Millets (WGoM) of Revitalizing Rain fed Agriculture Network (RRA-N) has brought together a few experts from the millets ecosystem to identify, prioritize and advise policy advocacy measures to accelerate millet adoption in farmers’ fields and in people’s plates – in both urban as well as rural areas.

The Know Millets Webinars are designed to introduce the various aspects of millets and discuss questions concerning the specific topic of the day. The series of 10 webinars shall be every third day between 3 and 4 PM starting from Monday May 4th and concluding on Sunday May 31st. Each webinar shall be an hour long, with a 20 minute presentation and a minimum of 25 minutes for participants’ questions and discussions. Please fill the form if you would like to attend any (a few, or all !) of the webinars. Registration for a webinar shall close at 10 AM on the day of the webinar. The link to join the webinar shall be emailed to you around noon of the day of the webinar.

We have also set up a social media channel on Telegram for continuing dissemination of information and an associated group for discussion on the subject. While the presentation shall mostly be in English, the Q&A shall be multi-lingual (English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu and manage to work in a little bit of Tamil too.) The presentation used in and a report of each webinar shall be uploaded on this site and can be reached by following the tag webinars2020.

Do gather your Qs about millets and share them either in the registration form, in the webinar itself, as a comment on this page, or on the Telegram group. We shall try our best to answer them all.

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